Kansas Unsecured Promissory Note Template

TheĀ Kansas Unsecured Promissory Note Template is a legal document that is available for download using the links posted near the top of this page. The document is an unsecured promissory note template. Unsecured notes are a type of written agreement that establishes specific terms of a loan (e.g. amount, interest rate per annum, payment/installment schedule, interest due in the event of default, and more).

Note: The maximum interest rate as set forth in K.S.A. 16-207 is fifteen percent (15%).

How to Write

Step 1 – Download the form.

Step 2 – Provide the following details:

  • Name and address of borrower
  • Name/address of lender
  • Principal sum
  • Interest rate

Step 3 – Payments – The payments subsection is for the outlining of the payment method (and installment/due date details):

  • Provide the payment method by selecting the corresponding choice (check the box).
  • Submit an installment amount (if “Installments” is selected).
  • Enter the monthly/weekly due date if “Installments” or “Interest Only” is selected.

Step 4 – Due Date:

  • Submit the due date (of the full balance).

Step 5 – Interest Due in Event of Default – Should the borrower default on the loan without curing it, they will be subject to the interest rate submitted in this subsection.

  • Provide the agreed upon interest rate.

Step 6 – Late Fees:

  • Enter the number of days past the initial due date the borrower will have to submit a missed payment.
  • Provide the late fee.

Step 7 – Acceleration:

  • If the borrower defaults on the loan they will have a certain amount of time before to cure it before the lender takes further action.
  • Submit the amount of time the borrower will have to cure their default.

Step 8 – Signatures:

  • Enter the date in the appropriate format.
  • Submit the borrower’s name.
  • Borrower must provide a signature.
  • Lender’s name/signature is required.
  • Names/signatures of the witnesses are required.
Kansas Unsecured Promissory Note - Adobe PDF - Microsoft Word

Kansas Unsecured Promissory NoteAdobe PDFMicrosoft Word