Author Archive: promissoryadmin
Oklahoma Secured Promissory Note Template
The Oklahoma Secured Promissory Note Template is to be used to detail the repayment options, principal amount, interest rate, and other facets of a loan agreement. The template is a contractual document, entered into by two parties (a lender/borrower), that is legally enforceable (provided that it’s been formatted properly). Use the links provided on this page […]
Oklahoma Unsecured Promissory Note Template
The Oklahoma Unsecured Promissory Note Template can be downloaded in .PDF or Word format. The template is designed to be used as a starting point when drafting an unsecured promissory note. Unsecured notes are a type of loan agreement, which in contrast to secured notes, do not require the borrower to pledge security (aka collateral). Another […]
Oregon Secured Promissory Note Template
The Oregon Secured Promissory Note Template is a legal form that is designed to be used when drafting a secured promissory note. Secured notes, in contrast to unsecured ones, require the backing of security (i.e. collateral). The instructions posted below are intended to be a guide on how to properly draft the note. Note: Once the […]
Oregon Unsecured Promissory Note Template
The Oregon Unsecured Promissory Note Template is a contractual form that is to be used when creating an unsecured promissory note. The document can be downloaded as .PDF or MS Word file. The note outlines the specific terms of a loan including the loaned amount, interest rate, borrower’s method of repayment, payment schedule, etc. Use the […]
Pennsylvania Secured Promissory Note Template
Create a secured note using the Pennsylvania Secured Promissory Note Template (download links on this page). Promissory notes are a type of agreement that provide an outline of a loan’s terms (e.g. amount of loan, interest rate, payment schedule, etc.). The note is “secured” because the borrower is required to provide some form of collateral […]
Pennsylvania Unsecured Promissory Note Template
The Pennsylvania Unsecured Promissory Note Template is a legally enforceable document that establishes the parties and terms of a loan. The parties, a borrower and lender, are required to sign the document in order for it to be enforceable in court. This specific template is designed for use in the State of Pennsylvania. “Unsecured” notes do […]
Rhode Island Secured Promissory Note Template
The Rhode Island Secured Promissory Note Template is a legally enforceable document that’s used to outline the specific terms of a loan (including the interest rate, principal sum, payment frequency, etc.). The template, available for download on this page, is designed to be used as a starting point when drafting secured notes. The main requirement of […]
Rhode Island Unsecured Promissory Note Template
Use the instructions posted below to learn how to draft the Rhode Island Unsecured Promissory Note Template. The template was specifically created for Rhode Island residents. Promissory notes are essentially a type of written loan agreement between two parties (a lender and borrower). This template can only be used to draft an “unsecured” note (i.e. […]
South Carolina Secured Promissory Note Template
The South Carolina Secured Promissory Note Template is a legal form that formally enters two parties into an agreement regarding a loan. The document covers such details as the loan’s principal sum, interest rate, payment schedule, and other terms. Use the guide in the how-to section below as a reference when filling out the template. How […]
South Carolina Unsecured Promissory Note Template
The South Carolina Unsecured Promissory Note Template can be downloaded in two separate formats: .PDF or MS Word. The template is designed to be used as a starting point when drafting an unsecured note. An unsecured promissory note details the parties, principal sum, interest rate, payment method/schedule, etc. of a loan. Note: Unsecured notes do not […]